The Countdown has started! 倒计时开始了!

Shalanaya is, indeed, a labour of love. We are glad and excited to welcome you all very soon to the site which will be our beautiful home for the weekend. Thanks once more and always to the amazing group of friends and volunteers who make this festival possible! Please remember, Shalanaya is yours: Yours to participate and interact in your own way! While doing so, please give appreciation and respect to others, the venue, and of course nature and the environment.


Before setting out to a 3 days outdoor festival, planning and preparing are required. What necessities to bring, what’s the best way to get to the venue, and what to expect once there, our thorough survival guide has you covered. Take some time to get your gear ready, and pack what is necessary and leave out what is not. Travel open minded, light weighted and with a free spirit!

出发前往一场为期3天的户外音乐节之前,充分的准备工作将会让你的旅程更加舒适。必备物品?如何到达?有何期待?本篇文章将帮助你解决这些问题。花一些时间准备好您的装备,打包必要的东西,忽略不必要的东西。开放 ,轻便,自由自在的旅程最好!

必备品 Bring Along:

Bring your Own Cup 带你自己的水杯

Most important: we want to make a transition towards a Zero Waste festival and we need your help to do so! Please bring with you a cup, chopsticks/spoon, and plate/box for meals and drinks. This will help immensely to reduce the creation of waste and to make a better festival. We took the decision to not buy any more plastic and disposable tableware so the supply on site will be limited. If you bring your own, it will be quite easy for you as there is a convenient washing station next to the toilet.

最重要的是:我们希望向“零浪费”音乐节过渡,我们需要您的帮助请带上杯子,筷子/勺子和餐盘/盒子用来装餐点和饮料。 这将极大地减少废物的产生,并使节日更好。 我们决定不再购买任何塑料和一次性餐具,因此将限制现场供应。 如果您自备,因为厕所旁边有便利的清洗站,对您来说将非常容易。

If you end up with a disposable plastic beer glass, please collect it and/or bring it to the bar / wash it – whatever you feel so than we can reuse it. Clean after yourself, help others, and be gentle with the environment.

如果您使用了一次性塑料啤酒杯,请收集并/或将其带到酒吧/洗净–看您自己的感觉如何,这样我们都可以重复使用。 清洁自己,帮助他人,并温和地对待环境。

Bring a refillable water bottle, we provide free water refill, but you need your cup or bottle to drink it. Avoid single use plastic water bottles, please!

带上可再次使用的水瓶,我们将提供免费的水补充,但是您需要自己的杯子或瓶子。 请避免使用一次性塑料水瓶!

Cigarette butts are a nasty waste. Make/bring yourself a old candy box, a portable ashtray, anything useful to keep your butts together and dispose them into the garbage bins. Thanks!

烟头是令人讨厌的。 给自己带一个旧的糖果盒,或者一个便携式烟灰缸,将烟头收集在一起并放入垃圾箱。 谢谢!

Last but not least, avoid buying products in excessive single-use plastic packaging, and finish your meals (you can share with others what you can not eat! 🙂 )


Pack Warm and Rainproof Clothing/Equipment


The location is in the countryside and nights can get very chilly! This is a 3 day outdoor event, be mindful and pack for the possibility of very cold temperatures, which are always possible. Also, we may get lucky so pack for potentially hot days and always be ready for rain (better safe than wet)!

音乐节的位置在乡下,夜晚会变得很冷! 这是一个为期3天的户外活动,请注意始终可能发生的极低温度。 另外,我们可能会很幸运,所以请也带上热天气的行装,并随时准备面对下雨!

There is enough lighting in the venue but a headlamp and some lights for your tent are always useful to help you find the way to sleep easier. (You may not want to end up in the wrong tent at the end of the night – or maybe you do!)

场地中有足够的照明设备,但头灯和帐篷照明通常对帮助您找到更轻松的睡眠方式很有用。 (您可能不想在深夜结束时进入错误的帐篷中-哈哈也许您愿意!)

The venue includes camping grounds, washing facilities, showers, a restaurant and charging points. Here is a list of the essentials all campers should have:


  • 保暖衣物(夜晚会比较凉爽)warm clothes (nights might be chilly)
  • 舒适的鞋子 comfortable shoes
  • 牙刷、牙膏 toothbrush and toothpaste
  • 毛巾 towel
  • 雨具(伞、雨衣、雨鞋等)rain gear (you never know)
  • 充电器 phone charger
  • 防蚊液 – 不需要! 🙂 mosquito repellent – no need this year woohoo no mosquitoes here! 🙂
  • 手电筒 flashlight
  • 帐篷及睡袋(如需租赁露营设备,文章下方有更多信息)tent and sleeping bag (tents and sleeping bags can also be rented on site, scroll down for details)
  • 睡垫/防潮垫 sleeping mat
  • 卫生纸 toilet paper
  • 环保水杯和餐盘(不提倡一次性的) cup and plate (leave no trace!)
  • 门票的截图 a screenshot of your ticket
  • 护照或身份证(原件、复印件、照片均可)passport
  • 现金(支持支付宝、微信)cash (we also accept Alipay and Wechat pay)

请勿携带 Don’t Bring

  • 酒水饮料(吧台会提供合理价位的酒水,请支持我们的付出)
    liquor and drinks (we have a bar on site with friendly prices, please support us)
  • 外带食物(我们的餐厅供应家庭风味的可口美食)
    food (we have a restaurant cooking homely food on site)
  • 武器及一切违禁物品
    weapons or illegal substances

音乐节时间表 Festival Hours

Shalanaya will open on November 22nd at 4pm until 4pm on November 24th. Gate will be closed from 2am to 8am, so entering the festival is not possible in these hours.
Please plan your arrival accordingly.

夏来纳亚将于11月22日下午4点开放,直到11月24日下午4点。 大门从凌晨2点至上午8点关闭,因此在这些时间无法参加音乐节。

如何到达 Ways of Arrival

Shalanaya is easily accessible from Shanghai city center. 从上海市区可以轻易到达音乐节场地。

Venue Address : 场地地址:
Chongming District, Changxing Island, Fènghuáng gōnglù 1599 (Qian Xiaoju Creative Farm)

上海市崇明县长兴岛凤凰公路1599号 (前小桔创意农场)

Public Transport 公共交通
1. Take metro line 2 to Shanghai Technology Museum (上海科技馆站), exit 6
2. Take public bus 申崇四线 (Shēn chóng sì xiàn), , get down at 长兴岛枢纽站 ( zhǎngxìng dǎo shūniǔ zhàn)
3. Walk (20minutes) or grab a taxi to the venue.

  1. 乘坐2号线到上海科技馆站, 6号出口
  2. 乘公交申崇四线, 在长兴岛枢纽站下
  3. 走路约20分钟,或者打车去场地。

Public Transport + Taxi 公共交通+ 出租车
1. Take metro to end of Line 9 Cao Lu – 曹路
2. Take taxi to the venue (60RMB taxi +20RMB bridge fare)


Taxi: 出租车:
Didi/Uber from Shanghai downtown to the venue costs between 150-170RMB (+20RMB bridge fare)

从上海市区到场地的滴滴/ Uber费用在150-170元人民币之间(另加桥梁费20元人民币)

At the Gate 入场

Please have a screenshot of your ticket. 请保存入场门票的截图,以便进行验证;

As part of the regulations in the venue, participants must sign a disclaimer before entering the site. Please have your ID, passport or a picture of them to show when signing the disclaimer. Thank you for your understanding.


Accommodation 住宿

You have to reserve your camping gear or dorm bed using this link:


This year’s Shalanaya, we have 4 types of possible accomodation.


This is highly encouraged to make sure you get the full experience and vibe of the festival. Our festival grounds can accomodate all of you wonderful people. You will have access to running water, toilets.

2. RENT A TENT 租帐篷
In case you do not have a tent, we offer a tent rental service. Each tent can accomodate 2 people.
Sleeping bags can be rented separately!
Tent size: 210*150*100cm.
Each tent requires a deposit of 200元 (to be given during collection), which wil be given back to you once you return the packed tent (we’re not your parents, so please pack your tent when you give it back…its a life skil that you’re gonna use foreverl :P).
Each sleeping bag requires a deposit of 50元 , (to be given during collection), which wil be given back to you once you return the sleeping bag.
假如您自己没有帐篷,我们提供帐篷的出租服务。每个帐篷可容纳两人。 睡袋可以分开出租! 帐篷尺寸:210*150*100厘米 每个帐篷押金200元(发放时收取),交还时退还押金(交还时请务必把帐篷收好再还,这是项基本的露营技能,而且以后经常能用得到:P)。 每个睡袋押金50元(发放时收取),交还时退还押金。

For the ones among you who need solid concrete between you and nature, the venue provides a hostel dormitory style accommodation. Each dorm room has 7 bunk beds, a shower and a toilet. The dormitory rooms are inside the festival ground.

For the ones among you who need privacy, the venue offers private rooms. Each room has a queen bed (sleeps 2). In case you’re a family with kids, please select the “extra-bed” option (which contains an additional fee of 100元 necessary to add an extra bed). Available rooms are VERY limited, they will be rented out on a first come first served basis. Please be considerate and let this option available for people in real need (e.g. families with children) 😉

At the Festival 音乐节期间 

The bracelet you will receive upon entering should be worn throughout the whole festival. It is our indication and your proof for legally entering festival grounds. People with no bracelet will be asked to leave.


Don’t burden yourself in bringing food to the festival. We will have homely cooked food together with various food vendors. All food and drinks will be sold at a minimum price to make staying in the festival affordable for everyone! Please support us.


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