夏来纳亚2019工作坊招募艺术家 Shalanaya 2019 Workshop Recruiting
夏来纳亚是一个有五年历史的户外音乐节,专注于艺术、音乐与自然。夏来纳亚重视创意,鼓励分享和自我表达、提倡尊重他人与自然,如果你也是这样的人,欢迎你来加入夏来纳亚。 Shalanaya is a three days outdoor festival dedicated to art, music and sustainable living. In the festival we value creativity, sharing, self expression and respect for others and the environment. If you believe in these values too, we invite you to join in. 有趣好玩、绿色健康、分享、快乐便是夏来纳亚工作坊的关键字。工作坊作为夏来纳亚精神的重要体现,我们希望能找到特别的你:职业/业余艺术家、演员、创作家等等,如果你对自己的艺术、创作足够自信. We are now looking for artists, 阅读更多…