
Shalanaya festival takes pride in providing a focal point for exceptional art and original craft. We are now looking for vendors to join our craft market. If you have any unique art, craft or product in line with the festival spirit, we invite you to come and share it with our community.

1) 费用(3天)600(包含了两张音乐节门票)。
1) Shop fee (3 days): 600元/booth (includes 2 ticket to the festival).

2) 时间:2019年11月22-24日。摊主在音乐节前一天中午到达,在音乐节结束第二天中午离开。
2) Time: 22-24 of November 2019.

3) 地址:上海市崇明县长兴岛凤凰公路1599号 (前小桔创意农场)
3) Address: Chongming District, Changxing Island, Fènghuáng gōnglù 1599 (old Xiaoju Creative Farm)

4) 我们提供:桌子一张,椅子两把,帐篷(3×3米)以及用电。请自己准备:桌布,灯以及足够长的接线板。
4) We provide: 1 table, 2 chairs, tent (3*3m), and electricity. Please provide by yourself: table cloth, lights and (a long) electrical cable.

5) 报名:我们欢迎除了酒水饮料之外所有类型的摊位,请打开下列链接填写报名表。
5) Registration: all types of shops are welcome except for alcoholic beverages and food vendors. Please follow the link bellow and fill out the registration form: http://koolbeings.mikecrm.com/BJ8YSNF

If you have problems opening the link, please shoot us an email to info@shalanaya.org

Looking forward to all vendors! Shalanaya! 🙂

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